Entries by Heather Collins

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Pregnancy after miscarriage is NOT the same as pregnancy without loss. With loss can come a shift from naivety and excitement to worry and fear. There’s more panicked trips to the bathroom and more holding of breath. Everyone is different in their path but here are some things I have learned along the way, as […]

Lactation consultant vs Postpartum doula

What is the difference between a lactation consultant and a postpartum doula? Can a postpartum doula offer breastfeeding support? There are lots of normal challenges and questions surrounding breastfeeding that a postpartum doula can help with. In fact, for most people all that is needed is some education, tips and tricks, and a heapful of […]

What is a doula

My doula looked me in the eyes after an exhausting day of labor and said, “We aren’t going to give up here. You are going to give this your all and you *are* going to push your baby out.” Having someone who believed in me made a world of difference and I truly don’t know […]

J is for Jaundice

We are celebrating our Montreal prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal classes. From A to Z let’s cover common prenatal terms, J is for Jaundice, and what you can learn about them from our classes. Babies go through some wild changes once they are on the outside. One of the things that happens is […]

I is for Induction

We are celebrating our Montreal prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal classes. From A to Z let’s cover some common prenatal terms, I is for Induction, and what you will learn about them from our class. Induction: the process of bringing about or giving rise to something. In the case of birth, induction is […]

H is for Hunger cues

We are celebrating our Montreal prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal classes. From A to Z let’s cover some common prenatal terms, H is for Hunger cues, and what you can learn about them from our classes. Newborn babies eat frequently. Like every 2 to 3 hours frequently. And sometimes even hourly and non-stop. […]

G is for Golden Hour

We are celebrating our Montreal group prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal education. From A to Z we cover some common prenatal terms: G is for Golden Hour. The time immediately after your baby is born is often referred to as “the golden hour”. It’s bound to be a bit of a shock for […]

F is for Fontanelle

We are celebrating our group prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal classes. From A to Z let’s cover some common prenatal terms, F is for Fontanelle, and what you can learn about them from our class. Baby’s heads are truly incredible, from their delicious smell to their unfused bones! Whaaattt? The skulls of babies […]

E is for Engorgement

We are celebrating our group prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal classes. From A to Z let’s cover some common prenatal terms, E is for Engorgement, and what you can learn about them from our class. Let’s change gears to after your baby is born. During pregnancy your body begins to produce your baby’s […]

D is for Due date

We are celebrating our group prenatal class with the ABCs of prenatal classes. From A to Z let’s cover some common prenatal terms, D is for Due date, and what you can learn about them from our class. Imagine waiting for a day, it’s the day you are going to meet one of the most […]